The minutes for the July general meeting are now available here. At the meeting, Joseph Connellan, Di Missen and Caz Healy from the Doutta Galla Health Centre spoke about the current operation of the Doutta Galla Health Centre which is …
Agenda for July 2013 general meeting
July’s meeting will be tomorrow night, the 16th, in the Dewey Room at the Bastow Institute, 601 Queensberry Street North Melbourne. The agenda is here.
NWMA Planning Committee -June 2013
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2013 Annual General Meeting
The 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association is to be held on Tuesday 21 May 2013 at Dewey Common Room, 601 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne (Enter off Union Street). Please arrive at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. At …
AGM 2013
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Agenda for April 2013 general meeting
The April General Meeting is to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16th April 2013 in the Dewey Common at the Bastow Institute at 601-603 Queensberry North Melbourne. The agenda can be viewed here. [gview file=””]
NWMA Planning Committee -March 2013
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Agenda for March 2013 planning meeting. Guest speaker is David Mayes
A quick reminder that, David Mayes, Manager Strategic Planning, City of Melbourne has been invited to talk and to answer questions about Planning Scheme Amendment C207/207 Arden-Macaulay Heritage. This is a very important issue as it is dealing with the …
Agenda for November 2012 general meeting
You can grab the agenda for the November meeting here. The Arden Macaulay Structure Plan amendment C190 will be discussed as it has major implications for our community.
NWMA Planning Committee -November 2012
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