The meeting starts at 7.30pm Tuesday 16th August at the Bastow Institute, 601 Queensberry Street (enter from Union Street). [gview file=””]
Agenda for July 2016 general meeting
Guest speaker is John Blewonski, CEO of VincentCare on the proposed development of the Bailly House and Ozanam House site on Chapman Street and Flemington Road. The meeting starts at 7.30pm Tuesday 19th July at the Bastow Institute, 601 Queensberry …
Agenda for June 2016 general meeting
Guest speakers for this meeting are the technical team from the Western Distributor Project. Meeting starts at 7.30pm at the Bastow Institute, 601 Queensberry Street (enter from Union Street) [gview file=””]
Minutes from 15 December 2015 general meeting
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Minutes from 17 November 2015 general meeting
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Minutes from 19 April 2016 general meeting
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Agenda for May 2016 general meeting
Ellen Sandell, State MP for Melbourne, will be the guest speaker at the May meeting of the NWMA. The meeting is on Tuesday 17 May 2016, at 7.30pm. Venue is Dewey Common, Bastow Ins1tute, 601 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne (Enter from the western …
Minutes from 15 March 2016 general meeting
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Agenda for April 2016 general meeting
The April General meeting will be held at 8pm 19th April immediately following the AGM. [gview file=””]