The Association has arranged for David Mayes and the Strategic Planning Team from the City of Melbourne to brief members and other interested residents on the contents of the two structure plans that affect our area. These are the City North Structure Plan and the Arden Macaulay Structure Plan. The meeting will be held at the Library at 7.30pm on June 21 with general business until 8.00pm when we can move into the larger upstairs library space for the briefing on the Structure Plans.
There have been a number of briefings already held but the Association believes that the implications of these Structure Plans for our suburb and community are so profound that we we need to work strongly on raising public awareness of their contents. They do not conform with our views about how the future of our local area should be managed and so we need to be clear on what is being recommended and what avenues are available to us to make inputs into their adoption process.
You can view the documents on the plans at the City of Melbourne website. Please use the following links.
We encourage all members to attend and please invite any other committed North and West Melbourne people who are interested in our future.